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satellite cloud picture中文是什么意思

用"satellite cloud picture"造句"satellite cloud picture"怎么读"satellite cloud picture" in a sentence


  • 卫星云图


  • With the use of satellite cloud pictures and weather charts , the meteorologists explain the weather to the public in simple terms
  • Using satellite cloud pictures and data from the intensive and conventional observation , the reason of the heavy rainfall event on 16 - 17 july 2004 over shah river area is studied
    摘要应用常规、加密气象资料及卫星云图,分析了2004年7月16 ~ 17日沙澧河流域特大暴雨成因。
  • The aviation weather forecaster and assistant aviation weather forecaster are formulating the weather forecasts by studying satellite cloud pictures and outputs of numerical weather prediction models
  • The macro characteristics of status cloud systems have been studied by using every 3 - hour sounding data , satellite cloud pictures , radar echoes , synoptic charts , surface rainfall , raindrop size distribution and microwave radiometer . the spatial distribution of precipitation particles and the mechanisms of their formation were studied by one - dimension stratus model . thus , spring stratus precipitation conceptual model was primarily established in henan province
用"satellite cloud picture"造句  
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